Dear Friends, I am Smrithy. My younger son is diagnosed with ADHD and autism. After diagnosis we did ABA and I was a cotherapist for him at home.He was attending ABA sessions for 2 hours from a center and I was training him at home with the same principles.Initially he responded very well with ABA and imitation and communication skills, body parts, common objects, function of objects,fruits, vegetables, vehicles, categorisation, shapes, colours, sorting...he learnt so fast in the ... training. But after 8 months,he started crying throughout the session. At that time,no one was able to work with him,other than me.we tried different therapy centers and at last we reached in a school, Bubbles,where they are following structured teaching method.Then I also joined to the one year diploma special education course for Autism.I did my practicals in my son's school and attend theory classes on Saturday.It was really difficult for me to complete that course, because too much assessments...