Siblings of Children with Autism

"This post I am dedicating to all siblings of kids with autism "
They are the best brothers and sisters, they are the angels in our life.It is very important to give quality time for them also. We all are always trying to balance our time for both kids. While doing the course my dissertation topic was 'understanding siblings thoughts " and it really helped me in this journey. That dissertation you all can read in my blog.
Adhithya is 3 and half years older than Advaith. Adhithya was always ammas boy and was more attached with me.In Advaiths delivery time also Adhithya was with me in hospital. Advaith was a happy child and was always happy with Adhithya. When Advaith diagnosed with Autism, my relatives were telling me that, I was giving full attention to Adhithya and that's why it happened to Advaith. As a mother I was completely lost at that time and I was in a difficult situation. Adhithya was going to UKG, at that time. After Addus diagnosis, it was a very difficult situation and somehow I was managing everything. I was a cotherapist for Addu, I was learning driving, making materials and programs for Addu, at the same time I was trying my best to spent time with Adhithya. At that time Adhithya was always sick and vomiting was continuing for a long time. We consulted with different doctors, but they couldn't find any problem. At last, one of the pediatrician told to me that, it may be a psychological issue. He was very attached with me and I was going through very difficult situations. Then I was keeping that point in my mind and was trying to support Adhithya. 

I was trying to play with him and encouraged him to communicate properly with me. Then he was asking about Addus condition, and I was explaining about Autism (age appropriate information only). Then Adhithya was telling that" I want to help him and Tell me how can I help him". So I was including him in all activities of Addu. Also weekends we spent according to Adhithya 's choice. 
I was always praising him and was telling him that" Addu likes you more than anyone". He was so happy to hear that. I was telling to Addu, in front of Aadi, that you are so lucky to get Aadi as a brother. Always I was sharing with him age appropriate informations. I used to take him to Bubbles, and he was watching other kids also. He was interacting with them. 

Now we came a long way and Adhithya is one of the best brother. All the siblings needs support and appreciation. 

Now Adhithya is studying in Seventh std and he is always a top Student in academics and got outstanding student award. Also he is learning drums and keyboard. He is a very happy charming boy, who will be a teenager tomorrow. 

Recently when his English teacher asked about his family(in the group class) he told about Addu and told he is diagnosed with autism, and explained how he is communicating with Avaz. All the kids and teacher was really proud of him. I was really happy and proud of him, when he told to me about that. "Acceptance starts from parents", then siblings are accepting Autism and they are giving that message to society. 
This video I am dedicating to all sibling!!

it is very important to understand siblings thoughts and to…


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